29th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS 2022) | Buenos Aires - Argentina | September 10-14, 2022


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  • Sociedad Argentina de Trasplantes (SAT)

  • Sociedad Argentina de Trasplantes (SAT)

The Argentinian Society of Transplantation is a Civil Association that brings together doctors, biochemists, biologists, psychologists with academic and scientific interests in organ transplants.

It is currently made up of members trained in different specialties, since in Argentina heart, liver, lung, kidney, bone, bone marrow, pancreatic, corneal, skin and tissue transplants are performed.

Created in 1982, the Society was re-founded in 1994 in order to enable the broad participation of all Argentine professionals.

Board of Directors

  • President: Dr. Alejandra Villamil
  • Vice-President: Dr. Marta Monteverde
  • Secretary: Dr. Pablo Uva
  • Vice-Secretary: Dr. Roberto Sabbatiello
  • Treasurer: Dr. Silvina Aleman
  • Vice-Treasurer: Dr. Alejandro Bertolotti
  • Members:
    • Dr. Vanesa Gregorietti
    • Dr. Santiago Villavicencio
    • Dr. Astrid Smud
  • Ad Hoc Members:
    • Dr. Marcelo Dip
    • Dr. Marcelo Ferreyra
    • Dr. Elio Suso

SAT Objectives

  • Contribute to the progress of medicine in the area of transplants and promote the study, research and dissemination of issues related to this discipline
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge with health professionals, who are related to medicine in the area of transplants
  • Create and promote scientific and cultural links with similar associations in the country and abroad, favoring scientific exchange
  • Hold periodic meetings to foster communications and discussions among members of the transplant community
  • Publish the actions of the non-profit Association
  • Organize Scientific Congresses in the area of transplants and publish scientific advances
  • Liaise with Governmental Authorities for the enactment of laws that serve to promote Decrees, Resolutions and Ordinances related to medicine in the area of transplants
  • Promote teaching and development in the area of transplants
  • Provide advice to national, provincial, municipal and private institutions and their members when required.
For more information, please visit www.satxar.com

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